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Industry Data|2024 First half of China’s wood-based panel production capacity change monitoring released

Industry Data|2024 First half of China’s wood-based panel production capacity change monitoring released

State Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Industrial Development Planning Institute of wood-based panel industry monitoring data show that in the first half of 2024, China's plywood, fiberboard industry showed a decline in the number of enterprises, the total production capacity of the contraction trend, the industrial structure is further adjusted; particleboard industry showed the number of enterprises, the total production capacity of the further increase in the trend of the risk of overheating of the investment is further increased.


In the first half of 2024, the country retains more than 6,900 plywood product manufacturers, distributed in 27 provinces and municipalities, about 500 fewer than the end of 2023; the existing total production capacity of about 202 million cubic meters/year, at the end of 2023 on the basis of a further reduction of 1.5%. The plywood industry presents a double decline in the number of enterprises and total production capacity, regional development is unbalanced, and some regions need to pay attention to the risk of overheating investment.



In the first half of 2024, 24 particleboard production lines (including 16 continuous flat press lines) were put into operation nationwide, with a new production capacity of 7.6 million cubic meters/year. The country now retains 332 particleboard production lines from 311 particleboard producers distributed in 23 provinces and regions, with total production capacity reaching 59.4 million m3/year, a net increase in production capacity of 6.71 million m3/year, and a continued growth of 12.7% on the basis of the end of 2023. Among them, there are 127 continuous flat press lines, with the combined production capacity reaching 40.57 million cubic meters/year, accounting for a further increase in the proportion of the total production capacity to 68.3%. The particleboard industry shows an overall rising trend in the number of enterprises and production lines and total production capacity. At present, there are 43 particleboard production lines under construction, with a total production capacity of 15.08 million cubic meters/year, and the risk of overheating investment in the particleboard industry has further increased.



In the first half of 2024, 2 fiberboard production lines (including 1 continuous flat press line) were put into operation nationwide, with a new production capacity of 420,000 m3/year. The country now retains 264 fiberboard producers 292 fiberboard production lines, distributed in 23 provinces and municipalities, with a total production capacity of 44.55 million m3/year, a net reduction of production capacity of 1.43 million m3/year, a further decline of 3.1% on the basis of the end of 2023. Among them, there are 130 continuous flat press lines, with a combined production capacity of 28.58 million cubic meters/year, accounting for 64.2% of the total production capacity. Fiberboard industry shows a further downward trend in the number of enterprises, the number of production lines and total production capacity, with production and sales gradually becoming balanced. At present, there are 2 fiberboard production lines under construction, with a total production capacity of 270,000 m3/year.


Contributed by: State Forestry and Grassland Administration Industrial Development Planning Institute

Post time: Jul-25-2024