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It’s about birch plywood exports, and the EU has finally stepped in! Will it target Chinese exporters?

It’s about birch plywood exports, and the EU has finally stepped in! Will it target Chinese exporters?

As the European Union's key questionable objects, recently, the European Commission finally on Kazakhstan and Turkey out.

Foreign media reports, the European Commission will be imported from Kazakhstan and Turkey, the two countries of birch plywood anti-dumping measures, this move is aimed at curbing the transfer of Russian timber through these countries in order to avoid anti-dumping duty behavior.


It is understood that the EU action is not empty.

Previously an in-depth investigation revealed the Russian birch plywood to avoid anti-dumping duty behavior: that is, through Kazakhstan and Turkey as a transfer station, the Russian origin of plywood at a lower cost into the EU market, thus bringing unfair competitive pressure on the EU local producers.  

According to a previous investigation, Russian birch plywood has been used to circumvent EU anti-dumping duties on birch plywood, mainly through transshipment from Russia to Kazakhstan and Turkey; or by sending finished products to these countries for finalization before shipping them to the EU.


The European Commission believes that extending the coverage of anti-dumping measures to Kazakhstan and Turkey is an important means of protecting the industry within the EU from unfair competition. The move not only helps to ensure fair competition in the EU timber market, but also reflects the EU's firm determination to ban the inflow of Russian goods.

It is worth noting that birch plywood, as a product widely used in the construction, packaging and furniture industries, has a huge production scale in Russia. With the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU, Russian producers have begun to seek new ways to export their products through third countries in order to avoid the risks posed by the sanctions.


However, this strategy did not escape the EU's close monitoring. In addition to Kazakhstan and Turkey, the European Commission has also noted the circumvention behavior of a number of intra-EU producers. These producers attempted to avoid anti-dumping duties on Russian-origin plywood by increasing imports from Kazakhstan and Turkey.

After an in-depth investigation, the Commission found that this shift in trade patterns lacked a rational economic explanation and, therefore, the intra-EU producers also became subject to suspicion.

Against this backdrop, international organizations are increasingly questioning whether China has become an invisible transit pointfor Russian and Belarusian timber. Although the European Commission has not yet taken import restrictionmeasures on Chinese plywood exports, the fermentation of this incident has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for Chinese plywood exporters.


Post time: Jun-12-2024